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15 Days Uganda Wildlife and Primate Safaris

Not Rated


15 days 14 nights

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size





This 15 Days wildlife and primate safari that offers a paramount adventure of wildlife and primate safari experience in the pearl of Africa where you will meet the highly extinct species of primates of Africa in the cold tropical rainforest of Bwindi impenetrable National Park. Funride adventures is ready to take you through the unmatched and superb wildlife sights that will impart a long-term memory.


  • Day 1: Arrival in Uganda.
  • Day 2: Kampala to Murchison Falls National Park
  • Day 3: Morning game drives and boat cruise in Murchison falls National Park.
  • Day 4: Transfer to Kibale National Park for Chimp tracking.
  • Day 5: chimpanzee tracking in Kibale Forest National park
  • Day 6: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • Day 7: Morning Game Drive
  • Day 8: predator tracking – Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.
  • Day 9: Mountain Gorilla trekking.
  • Day 10: transfer to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
  • Day 11: hiking mountain Sabinyo.
  • Day 12: Transfer to Lake Mburo National Park.
  • Day 13: morning game drive
  • Day 14: Horse Back Riding transfer to Kampala
  • Day 15: City tour and flight back home

Full Itinerary

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Day 1: Arrival in Uganda.
Day 1: Arrival in Uganda.

Today, 15 Days Uganda Wildlife and Primate Safari begins with the pickup by our safari guide from Entebbe international airport, who will welcome you and transfer you to your hotel after he has briefed you about the safari. Lodging options may include Serena Hotel, Arcadia Cottages, and Speke Resort Hotel, with meals, served on a full-board basis.

Day 2: Kampala to Murchison Falls National Park
Day 2: Kampala to Murchison Falls National Park

The safari journey from Kampala to Murchison Falls National Park is about four to five hours, and thus, you will start this journey after having breakfast in the morning. As you move to Murchison Falls National Park, you will pass through Ziwa for rhino tracking and then continue to Masindi, where you will have lunch before continuing to Murchison Falls National Park to check into your lodge for dinner and an evening stay. The booked lodges will include the Fort Murchison, Paraa Safari Lodge, and Murchison River Lodge, among others.

Day 3: Morning game drives and boat cruise in Murchison falls National Park.
Day 3:  Morning game drives and boat cruise in Murchison falls National Park.

After a heavy morning breakfast, our driver guide will pick you up for a thrilling morning game drive into the wilderness where you will have numerous encounters of various wildlife species such as the Rothschild’s giraffe, the elephants, lions, the waterbucks, cape buffaloes, hyenas, the reedbuck, the bushbuck among others. After the game drive, you will return to the lodge for lunch. In the afternoon, you have a boat cruise on the calm Victoria Nile waters that will lead you to the base of the famous waterfalls just stopping at 10 meters away from the popular “Devil’s Cauldron” the point where you will see the Nile waters spreading violently through the narrow rocks. The boat launch also offers visitors with the superb sights of the huge populations of Nile crocodiles, and hippos that are seen lurking on the shores of the river. You will spot some species of birds such as the horn bill, the pelican bee eater, the king fisher, Egyptian goose, the Goliath heron, and the most sought shoe bill stork.
Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 4: Transfer to Kibale National Park for Chimp tracking.
Day 4: Transfer to Kibale National Park for Chimp tracking.

In the morning, you will have an African Black coffee thereafter your driver will transfer you to Kibale National Park on a thrilling drive past Mityana – Mubende -Fort portal Highway through the thick jungle of the Nile Delta to Kibale National Park next to the Rwenzori ranges. On reaching Kibale, you will check in at Rweteera Safari Lodge, Chimpanzee Guest House, Kyaninga lodge where you will have a superb sight of the crater lakes with the beautiful sceneries of the Rwenzori Mountains.

Day 5: chimpanzee tracking in Kibale Forest National park
Day 5: chimpanzee tracking in Kibale Forest National  park

After having a morning breakfast, your driver will pick you and drive you to park headquarters early morning for a briefing as you get yourself ready for a fascinating tracking activity. While at the headquarters, the UWA rangers will brief you through the regulations of chimpanzee tracking activity. The activity that starts at 0830hours. You will splint into smaller group trekking groups of only eight people and you will be led by the Ranger guide to the wild in search for these entertaining creatures that are so much close to human beings. Besides these primates, you have numerous encounters of various species of wildlife among to include; the colobus monkeys, the red-tailed monkeys, Grey cheeked Mangabeys, the blue monkeys, the baboons among other species. The Park accommodates over 13 species of primates 70 species of mammals, and 350 species of birds to include: the Abyssinian ground thrush, Black bee-eater, Africa black-headed Oriole, African Emerald Cuckoo, Black and white shrike-flycatcher, Zebra Waxbill, papyrus canary, among other birds. Thereafter you will have a nature guided walk to great crater lakes region and further to the villages close the national park for cultural experiences.

Day 6: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park
Day 6: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park

You will drive to the Medley of wonders after having a heavy morning breakfast. Our driver guide will pick u from the lodge for a thrilling drive through the beautiful scenes of the mountains of the moon to south of Kibale to Queen Elizabeth National Park that ranges from the savannah Ishasha plains to humid rain forests, salty water lakes, the fresh water lakes like Edward, acacia and the euphorbia bushes low lands as well as wetlands. on reaching the park you will check in at your booked lodge refreshment. In the afternoon you will have an afternoon boat cruise on the popular Kazinga Channel that connects lakes; George and Edward and this offers great sights of huge populations of hippos, buffaloes and crocodiles that are seen lurking on the shores of the channel. Various bird species will be spotted in the area among these are; black belied bustard, white tailed lark, croaking backed vulture, repels griffon vulture, African mourning dove, grey headed kingfisher, Swift’s, Swallows, Nubian wood pecker and Swamp fly Catcher among others and the striking scenes of the sunset on the top of the rolling Rwenzori Mountain ranges.

Day 7: Morning Game Drive
Day 7:  Morning Game Drive

As the sun rise, your driver guide will pick you from the lodge for a superb wildlife game drive in one of the biggest national parks in Uganda through the Kasenyi plains as well as the Queens mile. This route offers visitors with numerous encounters of variety of wildlife species such as Uganda kobs, the giant forest hogs, the warthogs, herds of buffaloes, elephants, the Leopards and so much more that are sighted in the area. Additionally, the park is a home to over 638 bird species and some of these birds are endemic to this area and others are migratory birds that are seasonal hence making Queen Elizabeth National Park an important Birding Area. In the afternoon you will go for a nature guided nature walk in the plains of Queen Elizabeth where you will be led by UWA ranger guide accompanied by an armed ranger. Return to the lodge.

Day 8: predator tracking – Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.
Day 8: predator tracking – Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.

After having a morning African black coffee, our company driver will pick you from your lodge for staggering game drive to the southern sector through ishasha to track the climbing lions that are not seen anywhere else in Uganda. Along the way you will encounter buffaloes, warthogs, waterbucks and other wildlife species. As you head to one of the lushest and evergreen impenetrable rainforests of Bwindi through the rolling hills for the unforgettable Gorilla experience. Besides the Gorillas, the park is a home to various species of butterflies, 361 bird species some of which are endemic to this area, primates such as l’hoest monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, the vervet monkeys, the blue monkeys, baboons and chimpanzees. Among many others, and the papyrus swamps. Check in at your booked lodge.

Day 9: Mountain Gorilla trekking.
Day 9: Mountain Gorilla trekking.

After a heavy morning breakfast, your driver guide will pick from your lodge to the park headquarters for briefing. You will be briefed by the UWA staff who will take you through the regulations governing the gorilla tracking activity. After briefing, you will be split into different tracking groups and the activity begins at 0830 hours where you will be led by a ranger guide and you will be escorted by an armed ranger for safety while in the wilderness while searching for these magnificent creatures. The activity may last for 2-4 or even 6 hours depending of the movement of gorillas. While in the jungle, you will encounter different wildlife species such as the Duikers, Elephants, monkeys, different bird species, and butterflies, among others. You are encouraged to carry along with hand gloves, insect repellents, long sleeved shirts, enough drinking water, hiking books, water thereafter, in the afternoon, you will have a guided village walk. The walk will reward you with a great opportunity to see the way of life of people around Bwindi Forest. The village walk starts at Buhoma Community Rest Camp where a guide will lead you into the village as he will provide all the necessary information about the local people as well as answering all your questions and inquiries about the life style of the native people. While on the village walk, you will encounter the pygmies’ culture where you will explore more about their way of living and have a chance to engage in their activities such as hut construction, art and craft, and weaving baskets among others. You will have overnight accommodation and dinner at Mahogany Springs, Buhoma Lodge some the luxury accommodation facilities in the area or you can opt for Sliver back Lodge for mid-range accommodation facilitiesproof bag and packed lunch among other. In the evening, you will have a guided village walk that will reward you with a great opportunity to have a superb encounter of the most sought “pygmies” Batwa culture where you explore more about their way of life, and you will have an opportunity to engage in their activities for example, art and craft, basket weaving, constructing of grass thatched hurts, and so much more. You will overnight and dinner at Buhoma Lodge.

Day 10: transfer to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
Day 10: transfer to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

In the morning after having a cup of African black coffee, your driver will pick you up from your lodge and drive you through the eye-catching sceneries of the great Kigezi region with the rolling hills and valleys with terraces and through the ever-green forest of Bwindi to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park for Golden Monkey Tracking. The Park is found in the South West border of Rwanda, Uganda and DR Congo at an altitude of about 2227 – 4127meters and Uganda’s smallest National Park that it Covers 33.9kmsq. Golden Monkey tracking begins at the park headquarters with briefing from the park ranger guides early morning at 7:30. Thereafter the briefing, trekkers are divided into different trekking groups, and at round 8:00am trekkers begin their journey to the wilderness in search for the habituated golden monkeys. Golden monkeys are easier to track as compared to Mountain Gorillas. This is because they prefer staying in the bamboo sections of the forest because they feed on the young bamboo shoot and they move in large numbers. On reaching the monkey family, you will be permitted to spend only one hour with these primates while taking as many photographs as much as you want while you learn how they feed, their behaviors, among many others. There after check in at Mutanda Resort Hotel

Day 11: hiking mountain Sabinyo.
Day 11: hiking mountain Sabinyo.

You will begin your day with a heavy breakfast, thereafter the driver will lead you to the park offices for briefing by the ranger guides who will tell you the Dos and DON’Ts of the hiking activity. The mountain is oldest volcano of the Virunga ranges. It was named Sabinyo since its summit that look like a worn-out tooth. Hiking Sabinyo is challenging while you hike, along the slopes, you may scramble with own hands and later use ladders. Once you take up the challenge, while at its top, you have an opportunity to be in three countries of Uganda, Congo and Rwanda at the same time while the panoramic sceneries of the three countries. The hike rewards with encounters of the Golden monkeys, Mountain Gorillas, species of birds like the Rwenzori turaco. Thereafter you will return to your accommodation facility.

Day 12: Transfer to Lake Mburo National Park.
Day 12: Transfer to Lake Mburo National Park.

Wake up with the rising African sunshine alongside with the African Black coffee, thereafter your driver will pick you from your hotel for a drive to lake Mburo National Park. You will have enroute meals at Ajip Motel in Mbarara. There after proceed to Igongo Cultural Centre where you will a full package of Ankole culture, lifestyle, customs and traditional exploration. Thereafter you will proceed to Lake Mburo National Park. Reaching the park, you will check in at your lodge for an overnight and dinner.

Day 13: morning game drive
Day 13:  morning game drive

You wake up early in the morning have your breakfast thereafter your driver will pick you from your lodge and take you for a morning game drive which rewards visitors with encounters of some of mammals like the impalas, waterbucks, Rothschild giraffe, Antelopes, duikers, zebras, the Eland, lions and so much more. During the game drive, you will a chance to take exceptional photographs of enthralling creatures that are accommodated by this park with the perfect sights of the mosaic habitat, rocky outcrops, thickets, dry hillsides, lakes, open wooded savannahs among others. Return to the lodge for lunch. Thereafter you will an afternoon boat cruise on popular lake Mburo. This provides a great opportunity to see the crocodiles, and huge populations of Hippos, the different bird species together with the stunning scenery and panoramic land scape of the rolling hills that will leave a lasting memory. Return to the lodge.

Day 14: Horse Back Riding transfer to Kampala
Day 14: Horse Back Riding transfer to Kampala

After having morning breakfast, you will have a Horse back riding. This is an exciting activity that will make you feel part of the nature. While on this activity, you tend to get closer to the friendly animals such as the beautiful black and white stripped zebras and to sight more timid animals. This activity lasts for about 2-5hours riding through the open and wooded savannah plains while sighting the rolling hills of the place along side the beautiful crater lakes that create a panoramic scenery. And in the afternoon. Return to Kampala past via Mbarara-Masaka highway. You have a stopover at Uganda Equator Kayabwe for photos, snacks and a simple water experiment to prove the existence of the Latitude marked 00 that divides the globe into two equal portions. Thereafter proceed to Kampala to your booked lodge for overnight and dinner.

Day 15: City tour and flight back home
Day 15: City tour and flight back home

Having had your breakfast, the driver will pick you from the lodge for a Kampala city tour. You will visit the Katanga slums, the oldest Temple in Africa Bahia Temple, the independence monument, Uganda Museum, Old Kampala Mosque, Namirembe Cathedral a protestant church and thereafter proceed to Entebbe international airport for a flight back home.


  • game drives
  • boat cruise
  • Rhino tracking permit
  • boat canoe ride
  • chimpanzee tracking permit
  • nature guided walk
  • boat cruise on the popular Kazinga Channel
  • climbing lions tracking permit
  • Mountain Gorilla trekking permit
  • a guided village walks
  • encounter the pygmies
  • accommodation facilities
  • Golden Monkey tracking
  • hiking mountain Sabinyo.
  • Igongo Cultural Centre experience
  • Horse Back Riding
  • City tour
  • Transport fares
  • Driver guide allowance
  • Meals as per itinerary.
  • Things of personal nature
  • tips
  • laundry
  • alcohol drinks
  • any other activity not included on the itinerary.


15 days 14 nights



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