Tracking Ngamba Chimpanzees is very common within the Lake Victoria area, offering visitors a clear and interesting safari destination, providing visitors with outstanding safari services, luxury activities, as well as other activities such as chimpanzee tracking. The island is almost entirely forested. This has provided a chance for the chimpanzees to see the Ngamaba Island because it is not affected by human activities.

The Ngamba island has been left behind for chimp tracking, but it offers an outstanding safari experience and chimp trekking safaris, and thus, if you don’t have enough time to drive to the upcountry parks of Kibale Forest National Park, Budongo forest reserve or Kalunzu Central Forest Reserve, then the Ngamba island is the best and most convenient destination for you to go for chimp tracking in Uganda. The wild population of Pan Troglodytes is estimated to be around 175,000, but their numbers are rapidly declining as their habitats are destroyed and the “bush meat” trade grows.

The Ngamba Island chimpanzee sanctuary was established in 1998 in order to take care of the disadvantaged chimpanzees and the orphanage chimpanzees, even those that were rescued from the hands of poachers in various protected areas in Uganda. The chimpanzees that are picked from the wild find it difficult to live in the sanctuary, but the experienced caretakers make sure that the chimpanzees get used to the environment so much quicker and they do this with the great care that they accord these chimpanzees once they have been caught.

The services that are offered to the chimpanzees include medical treatment, being provided with security, getting plenty of food, and ensuring that they are united with the other chimpanzees within the wildness. The Ngamba chimpanzee sanctuary is the wild centerpiece for the chimpanzees that have provided refuge to the chimpanzees.

Tracking Ngamba Chimpanzees

More than 50 chimpanzees are being taken care of at Nagaba Island, and the population has been increasing since the sanctuary was established in 1998. Visitors interested in chimp education, school communities, and local residents are taught about conservation and how to best conserve the environment.

If you want to observe the primates being cared for during the survey stage, you should leave from the waterfront ocean side in Entebbe an hour before 11:00 a.m. or 2.30 p.m. to arrive at the island on time for the relocation. The assistants will enthrall you with stories while you take in the breathtaking views, diverse wildlife, and everyday natural life, such as monitoring reptiles. Volleyball, kayaking, and island shopping are just a few of the activities available. By visiting the sanctuary for a day or a short period of time, the funds raised go directly towards covering the cost of ensuring the chimpanzees’ well-being. All tours depart from Entebbe’s waterfront on the ocean side, where there is safe stopping and pre-trip instructions are given before heading to the pier.

The Ngamba Island has got all of the facilities that, among others, include the stocked bar and the restaurant area, which bring forth the winey taste and the culinary safari experience, and this is an experience for the safari life experience. Visitors can have their tents set up near Lake Victoria in very comfortable and wonderful ways that you will never forget.

The chimpanzee tracking in Ngamba Island where you will encounter the massive number of bats commonly seen soaring out of the backwoods into the distant horizon is just as significant as the early morning wake-up cries. You might enjoy the opportunity to go kayaking among the islands’ inlets in search of natural life such as monitoring reptiles, otters, and abundant birdlife (north of 130 species documented), or visiting a nearby fishing town. It is also critical to take part in the caregiving experience, which provides an incredible opportunity to spend time with the chimpanzee.

The parental figure experience is a 24-hour useful opportunity to be in the background of the safe-haven and participate in daily activities such as preparing meals, cleaning offices, performing health checks, and generally looking at the tasks required to deal with the chimps. Chimpanzee trekking on Nagmba Island provides visitors with an interesting opportunity to see photographs while learning more about the chimpanzees at the sanctuary.