Rwenzori mountains national park “mountains of the moon” is the third highest mountain in Africa with six glacial peaks namely Mount speke, Mount Emin Pasha, Mount Baker, Mount Luigi da savoia, Mount Stanley and Mount Gessi. It’s a block mountain formed as a result of faulting. It lies in southwestern Uganda along Uganda-Congo border.

The park is 996 square kilometers and stretches 120 km long the Congo boarder. It was gazzeted in 1991, recognized as a World heritage site in 1994 and Ramsar site in 2008. Its highest point is 5,109m above sea level on Mt Stanley Margherita peak.

Activities in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Mountain climbing

Climbing mountain Rwenzori takes 9-10 days and provides a circuit tour of the high Rwenzori. From the trailhead at Mihunga, the route ascends the Bujuku Valley via Nyabitaba for a acclimatization before reaching the peaks.

Hiking and nature walks

The park provides an opportunity for nature walks within the central circuit zone. These include trails up to Lake Mahooma and Buraro chimp forest; walks through the communities of Kichamba to reach the Karangura ridge; and hiking to Bundibugo area through Bwamba pass.
The communities of Ruboni and Turaco View also offer guided forest walks of various lengths just outside the park.

Cultural encounters

Move around the Bakonzo community with the help of the guide; walk with the villagers as they demonstrate their daily activities like rearing animals, growing crops, preparing meals with the fresh ingredients. Meet the blacksmith, traditional healers, basket weavers and storytellers. Enjoy the local’s vibrant songs, dances and drums.


The park shelters over 217 bird species and most of them are spotted in the montane forest. These include Bee-eaters, Robins, Sunbirds, Barbets the Rwenzori Turaco and Long-eared Owl while higher up on the slopes, Bearded Vultures, Swifts and Black Eagles may be seen circling for prey.