Yes, the gorillas have become the world’s most popular gorilla trekking attraction, and they are mostly located in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Rwanda. The endemic mountain gorillas have become famous and, where they exist, have contributed much to the economies of the developing countries.

In the whole world, there are only 1068 gorillas as of the latest gorilla census, and the Virunga Mountains, or the Virunga Massif, have proved to be the largest protected and conserved area that is found with the stronghold of the endangered mountain gorillas.

The Virunga Conservation includes the Volcanoes National Park, the Virunga National Park, and the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, and in the Virunga Massif, more than 600 endangered mountain gorillas, and this is very interesting. Mountain gorillas have a second home in southwest Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, which is home to roughly 450 people.

These parks only let visitors see gorillas who have become accustomed to human presence through social adjustment and habituation. With roughly 15 acclimated gorilla groups, Bwindi has the most or the highest, followed by Volcanoes with ten, Virunga with eight, and Mgahinga with just one.

On all the world’s vacations, the endangered mountain gorillas are so famous because of their status, as gazetted by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. These animals are classified as critically endangered species after their numbers kept on increasing.

Then the status was reversed to just endanger and this was involved within the year 2018. Another wonderful factor is that mountain gorillas share approximately 98 percent of our DNA, making them strongly identified with humanity, as evidenced by their public behavior.

Like humans, gorillas live in family groupings, or groups of people that are connected to one another. The silverback, who is in charge of the safaris’ security and creation, gathers or leads the gorillas. While the adult females tend after their young, the silverback leads his family through everyday duties such as foraging for food and providing security. Gorillas have also been observed building a cover for resting in the nights, grieving, and covering their corpses, among other human-like actions.

The promotion of the gorillas has also led to the fame of the endangered mountain gorillas in Uganda. Uganda has increased promotion of endangered mountain gorillas and even the gorillas in Rwanda have been promoted as well.

The Rwanda Development Board (RDB) has teamed up with a number of international organizations, including Premier League giants Arsenal Football, to promote Rwanda’s tourism business through a sponsorship deal. Such intensive, limited-time expeditions have made a big contribution by attracting a large number of tourists, many of whom opt for gorilla safaris.

Strict of the endangered mountain gorilla to all public areas. Mountain gorillas are only found within the three countries of Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Uganda, and this has made them so popular. Mountain gorillas are one of four gorilla subspecies that share a home with the larger eastern gorilla family, which also includes the eastern marsh gorilla, which lives in the swamps of eastern DRC.

One of the numerous species of gorilla is the western gorilla, which has two subspecies: the western swamp gorilla and the cross-stream gorilla. Cross-stream gorillas can be found along the Cross River between Nigeria and Cameroon.

Additionally, the gorillas are famous because of the peaceful countries where they are found and located. Unlike in the past, when areas near gorilla habitats in each of the three countries were closed off due to political unrest, such areas are now almost as calm as anywhere else, notably in Uganda and Rwanda.

Certainly, there is a significant difference in the number of visitors to the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Virunga National Park, where insecurity has persisted, and those visiting Uganda and Rwanda.

Therefore, please come and enjoy us with the gorilla trekking safaris in Uganda and other different countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda