Kidepo Valley National Park is the most isolated and rich wildlife national park, offering visitors a variety of fascinating species. As an activity is the one of the best activity done in Kidepo Valley National Park. The park has more than 450 species of birds which you can identify during the game drive safari. The Kidepo valley national park is found in the remote area of the north eastern side characterized with semi-arid areas  and it is the nice place for seeing the endemic bird species .

Because of the savannah plains and various types of habitat, as well as several vegetation types, particularly the vegetation in the Narus valley and the wetland, as well as the riverine species, the park is suitable for birding species. Although Kidepo Valley national park has several species of animals and bird species, it is less visited by the visitors and it has fewer records. This has been attributed to the long distance from the capital Kampala. It is the top destination and, as compared to other national parks, it is the second park known for bird watching opportunities after the mercurial Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Kidepo valley national park is dominated by the savannah grassland and this makes it  the habitat for the wonderful species. There are wonderful sport in Kidepo valley national park where you can stand and enjoy the several specks of birds especially those that resting and relaxing on top of the several tree. the Namumukweny valley  is one of the best bird watching sites  among several  places where you can easily see  variety of bird species.

Apoka Rest Camp is an excellent place to begin your Kidepo birding adventure. On the outskirts of the Narus and Namamukweny Valleys, birding should be feasible as well. The Abyssinian Roller, Purple Heron, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, and Clapper ton’s Francolin, which is found only in Kidepo, are among the birds seen. Both early in the day and late in the evening, the action can be sorted out.

There are different species of birds which among others include the pygmy falcon, Ethiopian swallow, clapper tons francoline, greter kestrel, vulture of Egypt, Black coucal, dark chanting goshawkTchagra Marsh, a Francolin with a moustache from Africa, pytilia  Pipit golden, Woodpeckers with red bills The African Grey Flycatcher is a species of flycatcher that lives in Africa. Jackson’s hornbill is a species of hornbill found in the United States. Steel-blue Whydah, Rufous Chatterer, Fox Kestrel, Hoopoe, Purple Grenadier, Steel-blue Whydah, Rufous Chatterer, Fox Kestrel.

Other than the bird watching safaris, the Kidepo Valley National Park also offers wonderful species, including the wildlife, and the park is also nice for game drive safaris. The major movement is down drives in search of various exceptional species of fauna and flora. The optimum times to review a game are early in the morning, around 6 a.m., or later in the evening, around 5 p.m. The game drives are usually done in the Narus valley, which is a plain surrounded by distant mountains. Because the valley provides water for a substantial portion of the year, many animals congregate here, making it easier to find them. Observe the critters in the meadows from a great distance.

When to go for bird watching in Kidepo Valley National Park

Birding in Kidepo Valley National Park is done all the time, meaning that at any time of the day you can go and engage in bird watching activities. A great number of unique birds and transitory species are normally found in the long stretches of March and April. More transient birds are here from November to April. Note that the region gets downpour from November to February (little downpour) and from June to August (higher measures of downpour). However, this ought not be a concern on the grounds that Kidepo Valley encounters semi-parched climatic conditions.